10 things you NEED to know BEFORE you move to Portland Oregon

10 things you NEED to know BEFORE you move to Portland Oregon

Portland, Oregon is a city known for its vibrant arts and culture scene, diverse cuisine, and abundant natural beauty. With its friendly and progressive community, it's no wonder that many people are considering moving to this thriving city. But before you make the big move, it's important to understand what you're getting into and what you should expect. In this blog post, we'll explore 10 things that you should know before moving to Portland.

1. Portland is a city of neighborhoods

One of the first things to understand about Portland is that it is made up of many distinct neighborhoods and suburbs, each with its own personality and charm. From the hipster paradise of Southeast to the upscale feel of the Pearl District, there is something for everyone in Portland. Before you move, research the different neighborhoods to determine which one is the best fit for you and your lifestyle.

2. The weather can be a challenge

While the Pacific Northwest is known for its mild, temperate climate, the weather in Portland can be a bit of a challenge. You can expect rainy and grey days in the winter, while the summer months are typically mild and sunny. Be prepared for the weather and invest in a good rain jacket and waterproof footwear. Additionally, be mindful that the city can be hotter than you think in the Summer months, which can take some getting used to.

3. Portland is very bicycle-friendly

One of the things that set Portland apart from other cities is its commitment to sustainable transportation. The city is highly bicycle-friendly, with over 200 miles of bike lanes and trails, and a thriving bike culture. If you're planning to move to Portland, you might consider getting a bicycle and using it as your primary mode of transportation. This will not only help you save money on transportation costs but also reduce your carbon footprint.

4. The food scene is amazing

Portland is a foodie's paradise, with a thriving and diverse food scene that showcases everything from classic American fare to exotic cuisine from around the world. Whether you're a vegan, a meat lover, or somewhere in between, you'll find plenty of delicious options in this city. Be sure to check out the food carts and food trucks, which are a staple of the Portland dining scene.

5. The arts and culture scene is vibrant

Another reason why people love Portland is its thriving arts and culture scene. From music and theater to visual arts and dance, there is always something happening in this city. Whether you're interested in classical art or contemporary culture, you'll find plenty of opportunities to immerse yourself in the arts in Portland.

6. The outdoor recreation is unparalleled

With its abundance of parks, forests, and mountains, Portland is the perfect place for outdoor enthusiasts. Whether you enjoy hiking, biking, camping, or simply taking in the scenery, you'll find plenty of opportunities to get out and explore the great outdoors. Be sure to visit Forest Park, one of the largest urban forests in the country, and the Columbia River Gorge, a breathtaking canyon that offers stunning views of the Columbia River.

7. The cost of living is high

While there are many things to love about Portland, one downside is the cost of living, which can be quite high. Housing prices, in particular, have been rising in recent years. If you're considering moving to Portland, it's important to be mindful of the cost of living and plan accordingly.

8. Environmental sustainability

Portland is a leader in environmental sustainability and is known for its commitment to reducing its carbon footprint. The city has a variety of initiatives and programs aimed at reducing waste, conserving energy, and promoting environmentally friendly transportation options. Before moving to Portland, it's important to be aware of these initiatives and consider how you can contribute to the city's efforts to be more sustainable.

9. Traffic and transportation

Traffic in Portland can be congested during rush hour, so it is essential to plan accordingly. Additionally, parking can be limited in some areas, so it's a good idea to have a plan for transportation, such as taking public transit, riding a bike, or carpooling. The city has a robust public transportation system, including bus and light rail options, so it's easy to get around without a car.

10. Don’t pump your own gas

In Oregon, it is illegal for customers to pump their own gas. This law was put into place in 1951 in order to protect gas station attendants from inhaling gasoline fumes and to ensure that customers received full service at the pump. Over the years, the law has remained in place, and many Oregonians consider it part of the state's unique culture. While some people may find it inconvenient, the law has created jobs for gas station attendants and provides an extra level of customer service for those filling up their tanks. Additionally, many people appreciate the convenience of having someone else pump their gas for them, especially during inclement weather.


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